Susan Elkins
Oil Paintings

Susan Elkins

Independent Artists Exhibition (presently called Group 80), Montreal, Quebec
Calgary Young Artists' Exhibition, The Muttart Gallery -June 17, 1975, Calgary, Alberta
Clouds n' Water Gallery, Calgary, Alberta
Peter Whyte Gallery (presently called the Whyte Museum), Banff, Alberta
Eye of Horus Gallery, August, 1982, Provincetown, Massachusetts
Celebration of Women in the Arts, March, 1987, Petro Canada Gallery, Calgary, Alberta
Sunshine Village Art Exhibition, Whyte Museum, September, 1988/90, Banff, Alberta
The Landing, May 1988, Vancouver, British Columbia
Old Court House Gallery, February, 1987, Red Deer, Alberta
Banff Public Library, February, 1987, Banff, Alberta
Moss Street Paint In, July 1993/94, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia
Marika Fine Arts "Art Blooms ", April 16 -May 9, 1994, Banff, Alberta
Women in the Arts, Harrington Fine Arts, April, 1994, Vancouver, British Columbia
Jasper Yellowhead Museum, February 1995, Jasper, Alberta
Canmore Artists & Artisans Guild, Canmore, Alberta.
Society of Canadian Artists (SCA), Toronto, Ontario.
Women Artists Show, Banff Public Library, Banff, Alberta.
Small Works Show, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia.
Small Works Show, CAAG, Canmore, Alberta.
Muttart Gallery, February, 1976, Calgary, Alberta
Caboose Foyer Exhibition, December, 1979, Banff, Alberta
Banff Park Lodge, March 11 -16, 1983, Banff, Alberta
Solo Exhibition (private home), April, 1984, Banff, Alberta
Gulf Canada Gallery, October 3 -24, 1984, Calgary, Alberta
Marika Fine Arts, February 21 -March 8, 1993, Banff, Alberta
Marika Fine Arts, March 11 -March 25, 1995, Banff, Alberta
Avens Gallery, Canmore, Alberta, 1999.
Banff Town Hall Gallery, Banff, Alberta.